Osady aalenu w wierceniu Brudzewice


  • Eugeniusz Cieśla


AALENIAN BEDS IN BORE-HOLE BRUDZEWICE (CENTRAL POLAND)On the northern margin of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, in a bore-hole at Brudzewice, there has been perforated, at the depth of 105.50 m to 232.10 m., a series of black argillaceous shales which lithologically very much resemble deposits of the Middle Aalenian member in the region of Łęczyca, investigated by J. Znosko and J. Kopik. This similarity occasions the assumption that an arenaceous-silty series which in Brudzewice underlies the above mentioned argillaceous shales at the depth of 232.10 m. to 272.70 m., stratigraphically belongs to the Lower Aalenian, while the silty-argillaceous series which lies on top of the argillaceous shales at the depth of 80.30 m. to 105.50 m., - to the Upper Aalenian.



