Flora środkowego i górnego miocenu Polski w świetle badań ostatnich dwunastu lat


  • Jadwiga Raniecka-Bobrowska
  • Hanna Czeczott


THE MIDDLE AND UPPER MIOCENE FLORAS OF POLAND IN VIEW OF LAST 12 YEARS' INVESTIGATIONSThe distribution of the fossil floras of the Miocene in Poland, hitherto known and investigated to a larger or lesser degree, is to a certain extent a reflection of Poland's geological development. As illustrated upon the affixed map, the most of occurrences of these floras we find in the proximity of the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains, while but few localities mark the trend of the Kujawy-Pomerania anticlinorium. An isolated locality is, furthermore, the flora of Chłapowo (Rixhöft - O. Heer, 1869) from the brown coal deposits along the Baltic coast.



