Stratygrafia paleogenu i neogenu Polski północnej


  • Janina Łyczewska


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PALAEOGENE AND NEOGENE OF NORTHERN POLANDThe area of Northern Poland constitutes a part of the Northern European Lowland.The cycles of orogenesis, beginning with the Caledonian up to the Alpine, have formed within the range of this Lowland tectonic elements with a NW-SE trend, with numerous deviations both towards NNW-SSE and WNW-ESE.The most important structural element in the structure of the substratum of the Polish Lowland is the so-called Kujawy-Pomorze (Pomerania) anticlinorium which constitutes an prolongation of the Święty Krzyż anticlinorium; it runs in a NW-SE direction. It represents a markedly elongated elevation built by upthrusted formations of Zechstein, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The flanks of this anticlinorium are built of successively younger stages of the Cretaceous; in one direction, towards NE, they pass into the Mazowsze basin, -in the other direction, towards SW, into the Wielkopolska basin (Western Poland).



