Mikrofauna mioceńska przedgórza karpackiego


  • Ewa Łuczkowska


THE MIOCENE MICROFAUNA OF THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEPThe microfauna of the Miocene sediments has been investigated by means of bore-holes and outcrops in the region of Bochnia, Staszów, Tarnobrzeg, and by bore-holes only near Mielec. The investigations of microfauna profiles from these regions resulted in the cognizance that in the Miocene sediments there may be observed a certain succession in the vertical occurrence of foraminifer associations, repeating itself in the individual regions although they may differ lithologically (Sub-Carpathian area of the northern shore of the Miocene sea - Nida valley - and central area). This particularly refers to same characteristic associations which on the entire investigated area appear in a similar position, such as the sub-gypsum association, the Grabowian association, etc. By means of these characteristic associations it is possible to point out four main periods of more important changes in the sedimentation of the Miocene, recognizable in the forms of their microfauna.



