Znaczenie makrofauny w stratygrafii miocenu Polski


  • Wilhelm Krach


THE VALUE OF THE MACROFAUNA IN THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MIOCENE IN POLANDWith the end of the 20th century, there began, both in Poland and in Western Ukraine as well as in Western Europe, the collecting and describing of Miocene fossils found at a score of classical localities which abounded in remnants of living organisms. On the basis of these investigations the, age of the Tertiary formations was determined, and usually compared with formations of the Mediterranean type in other European countries. Due to the relatively scanty cognizance of the macro-fauna among which lamellibranchs and gastropods predominated, and to the variety of facies, divergent opinions were put forth with regard to the age of the same formations. Hence it has also been assumed that the Miocene molluscs are particularly long-lived and therefore stratigraphically of small value. More recent investigation of faunae, however, undertaken by W. Friedberg (1911-1934), initiated a period of keener efforts towards determining the age of formations.



