Uwagi o możliwości wykorzystania niektórych zdjęć lotniczych do konstrukcji przekrojów geologicznych metodą stereofotogrametryczną


  • Maciej Hakenberg


NOTES ON POSSIBILITY OF UTILISING SOME AIR SURVEY PHOTOS FOR COMPUTING GEOLOGICAL PROFILEDThe investigated area lies north of Sobków village, in the southern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. Part of the Middle Cretaceous (Albian) and part of the Upper Jurassic (Astartian, Kimmeridgian) is expose d there.The study of air survey pictures of this area shows that, aside of the normal topographical data, they disclose alternating light and dark coloured streak zones. It has come to light that these streaks are caused by different colouring of the rock waste of in situ formations. Owing to this, it is admissible to treat the boundaries between adjoining streak zones as intersection lines. Since, furthermore, in interpreting air survey pictures by means of the micrometer stereoscope, one is in a position to establish the relative altitude of any chosen point, there is no difficulty in :using the above mentioned intersection lane an the corresponding relative altitudes for determining strikes, and for ascertaining values of dip, for the exposed rock formations. These data may then serve as basis for sketching the geological profile (fig. 2).Observation in field revealed that the darker streak zones were caused by waste of marly limestones and marls, while light coloured zones indicated different varieties of oolitie limestones, shell limestones, arenaceous limestones and sandstones. Possible errors in this computing the angle of dip - in this instance the dip is about 23° - did not exceed ± 5%.



