Czytelność starszego podłoża na• obszarze Gór Świętokrzyskich na stereofotogramach lotniczych


  • Krzysztof Schoeneich


LEGIBILITY OF THE OLDER SUBSTRATUM ON THE AREA OF THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS IN STEREOSCOPIC AIR PHOTOGRAMMETRYA stereoscopic analysis of air survey pictures, scale 1:20 000, tentatively undertaken for the southwestern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, disclosed the full suitableness of these pictures for the purposes of geological cartography.It proved possible to discern, on the photos, easements of the geological structure on the basis of the following three criteria:morphology which aids in distinguishing outcrops of rocks of various resistance to denudation,colouring of the rock or of its waste, appearing on the photo as a different intensity of grey shading; this is particularity vaIuabIe for the heterogenous series of mesozoic limestones, especially the Astartian, and for Cambrian Flysch sediments,the vegetation feature which are heIpful in establishing the course of faults.In the manner described above it has been possible to utilize on the investigated area, for preliminary geological study, approximately 4/5 of the total surface devoid of a covering mantle of Quaternary formations; or, in other words, 22% of the total of the investigated area. Depending upon the number of elements of the geological structure revealed on the air survey photo, the author distinguishes three categories of "surface legibility" (Fig. 2).The first category comprises such areas on which the air photo discloses fragments of tectonics and stratigraphy.On areas assigned to the second category thick rock series of, bigger thickness ,may be distinguished and some tectonic elements, especially non-continuous dislocations may be established.Areas of the third category disclose all geological boundaries and all of the elements of non-continuous dislocations.



