Rola wody w rozpoznaniu tektoniki Jury Olkuskiej


  • Adam Tokarski


THE PART OF WATER DISPLAYED IN DISCERNING THE OLKUSZ JURA TECTONICSMapping of springs might prove ·a successful method of ascertaining tectonics in such zones, where the correlation between geological structure and underground waters has been clarfied and where a suitable level of intersection of impervious strata exists. As ·example for such a zone may serve the southwestern marginal belt of the Kraków-Częstochowa Jura. This method is of special value in such localities where other, normal geological means of ascertaining structural conditions proved fallacious.However, success may be expected only in such cases, where we possess full knowledge of one or several standard structures clearly illustrating existing geological as well as, hydrogeological conditions. In the author's opinion this situation exists with regard to the marginal syncline of the Olkusz Jura, between Olkusz and Klucze mapped by him; methodical investigations described by previous authors·(J. Gołąb, 1945; S.·Z. Różycki, 1948; 19513; A. Tokarski, 1955)·have also been utilized in this study.



