Mikrofauna serii magurskiej okolic Grybowa


  • Jadwiga Blaicher


THE MICROFAUNA OF THE MAGURA SERIES OF THE GRYBÓW REGION (MIDDLE CARPATHIANS)The author based her investigation of the microfauna in the region of Grybów upon its stratigraphical-lithological profile (W. Sikora, 1957) and compared it with the microfauna of the region of the Żywiec sheet having a similar stratigraphy (W. Sikora and K. Żytko, 1956).The purpose of this paper is the micropalaentological documentation of the age of the beds underlying the Inoceramian beds.The microfauna of the Cretaceous variegated shales and of the Szczawina sandstones which lie underneath the Inoceramian beds, so in the vicinity of Grybów as in the region of Żywiec sheet discloses associations featured by the abundant appearance of species: Hormosina ovulum (G r z y b o w s k i) v. gigantea G e r o c h.In the Silesian Beskid (St. Geroch, 1955), species Hormosina of large dimensions - much larger than reported by Grzybowski (1896) - appear plentifully in the Upper Godula beds and in the lower part of the Istebna beds.For the age interval extending between these two horizons, St. Geroch indicates as stratigraphical index the variety of species Hormosina: “v. gigantean” basing on its intensity of occurrence.



