Uwagi o środkowym triasie w okolicach Radoszyc


  • Hanna Senkowiczowa


NOTES ON THE MIDDLE TRIASSIC IN THE REGION OF RADOSZYCE(Perisphery of Święty Krzyż Mountains)Radoszyce, a locality whose geological structure is presented below, lies in the northwestern part of the mesozoic perisphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, in the range of the Oblęgorek ridge constituting the extension of the Łysogóry ridge.The Oblęgorek ridge is bunt of several members of Bunter sandstone, while the younger members of Triassic, Muschelkalk and Keuper do not appear earlier than at Radoszyce. Due to the complicated tectonic of this region there may be distinguished; within the range of the Triassic sediments, several secondary tectonic units. The southeastern part of the area comprises the Wilczkowice anticline built of sediments of Bunter sandstone and Muschelkalk. From the northeast, this anticline is cut off by a fault (Fig. 31); along this fault it is in contact with the Muschelkalk of the Lewoszów anticline, an extension of the Oblęgorek ridge. The Lewoszów anticline is built of Bunter sandstone and Muschtelkalk. At tihe head of the Lewoszów anticline there spreads a narrow syncline filled with Keuper deposits; is spread it separates the Lewoszów anticline from the dome-like emerging Grodzisko anticline in whose cove Lower Muschelkalk deposits appear. From the east, the Grodzisko and Lewoszów anticlines are cut by a fault; east of this fauIt the Radoszyce syncline, filled with Keuper deposits extends. This latter syncline is, from northeast, adjacent to the Podlesie anticline which, however, hitherto has not exactly been investigated.



