Dolny ludlow w wierceniu w Mędrzechowie koło Tarnowa


  • Henryk Tomczyk


THE LOWER LUDLOVIAN IN A BORE-HOLE AT MĘDRZECHÓW NEAR TARNÓW (SUBCARPATIANS) (PRELIMINARY REPORT)In a deep bore-hole put down by "Przemysł Naftowy" ("Oil Industry"). at Mędrzechów near Tarnów, situated about 70 km. south, of the main Palaeozoic exposures of the Swięty Krzyż Mountains, sediments of the Silurian have been reached. Directly underneath Carboniferous deposits, at the depth of 1550.2 m. to 1556.5 m., there appear argillaceous-arenacous and calcareous sediments, of light grey colour with a greenish blue, which show a marked analogy with the greywacke-shale series of the Święty Krzyż Ludlovian. On a sector of 13.8 m., i. e. et the depth of 1556.5 to 1570.3 m., no core samples had been taken, but beginning with 1570.3 m. to 1688.1 m.(a total of 117.8 m.) there occur Silurian sediments documented by their graptolite fauna.



