O występowaniu migmatytów w Karpatach


  • Irena Gucwa
  • Jadwiga Szczurowska


OCCURRENCE OF MIGMATITES IN THE CARPATHIANSThis paper presents the petrographical and chemical characteristic of an exotic rock of migmatitic type from Brzeziny (Strzyżów sheet) and Jastrzębia (Wadowice sheet).G e o log i c a l  c o n d i t i o n s  o f  o c c u r a n c e. The investigated rocks occur, in the shape of exotics blocks in Flysch sediments. The block at Brzeziny has a length of about 30 meters. It is located in Lower Lgota (Ellgoth) conglomerates and is superimposed on Wierzowice (Wernsdorf) beds. The migmatite at Jastrzębia is located in a waste clay. Its sharp-edged shape, large size and its occurrence in a zone of tectonic disturbances proves it being a xenolith split off during the shearing of nappes from the crystalline substratum of the Flysch (M. Książkiewicz, 1951).



