Górny wizen dolnokarbońskiej niecki•śródsudeckiej


  • Halina Żakowa


UPPER VISEAN OF THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS INTRASUDETIC BASINSediments of the Lower Carboniferous occupy the largest area in the Central Depression of the Middle Sudeten mountains, the so-called Intrasudetic Basin.The present day outline of this basin is the result of the action of Younger Saxonian tectonics and, is not identical with the range of the Lower Carboniferous basin. Into the range of this Basin enter, aside of 1Jhose Lower -Carboniferous sediments which cover the present basin area, also such sediments of this formation which appear in the geological unit adjacent from the northeast - the so-called gneiss block of Sowie Góry (fig. 1). In the present paper the latter sediments as well as the deposits of the Lower Carboniferous which adjoin the above mentioned unit from the southwest, are being discussed under the common term of the Sowie Góry Culm - or under the name of the sediments appearing in the southeastern part of the Basin.



