Problemy stratygrafii najwyższego karbonu najniższego permu w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym


  • Stanisław Siedlecki


PROBLEMS OF STRATIGRAPHY OF THE HIGHEST CARBONIFEROUS AND LOWEST PERMIAN IN THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASINThe highest part of the Prodructive Coal Measure in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin are the Libiąż beds, assigned to the Westphalian D.The sediments which are unconformable deposited on top of them consisting of the Kwaczała arcose, the Karniowice travertine, the Myślachowice conglomerates and the magmatic rocks, constitute a series which due to the lack of relevant palaeontologieal data, is most frequently being assigned to the Permian.Reflecting upon both the lithological character and the organic (floral) remnants occurring in the arkose and the travertine the author reaches the conclusion that these sediments belong to the, Stephanian, and that they constitute the correlation to similar sediments occurring in Stephanian deposits of the Bohemian Coal Basin. On the basis of this inference the boundary between the Carboniferous and the Permian in the area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin would have to be raised higher than hitherto assumed; therefore, granted the Stephanian, incompletely developed in comparison with other coal basins, lies unconformable, as a sterile series, on the coal-bearing Westphalian sediments. The author assigns the Myślachowice conglomerates and the magmatie rocks to the Lower Permian. At the same time he points to the intensity of orogenic movements during the Asturian phase at the boundary between the Westphalian D and the Stephanian, as well as the increased volcanic activity connected with the Saale phase (lava and tuff eruptions).



