Stratygrafia warstw ostrawskich w świetle badań makrofaunistycznych


  • Karol Bojkowski


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE OSTRAVA BEDS IN VIEW OF MACROFAUNAL INVESTIGATIONSAccording to the scheme approved by the I Congress at Heerlen, the Ostrava beds (marginal group) have bean, assigned to the Namurian. The assignment to this stage has been chieflybased upon the occurrence of horizons with macroflora. As lower boundary of the Ostrava beds has been admitted, in accordance with a suggestion made by Šusta (1928), the marine horizon Stur, while as upper boundary there has been recognized the bottom of horizon Prokop - Pochhammer (at present horizon Nr. 510). The beds contained within both these boundaries have been divided into 4 substages (beds) on the basis of distinguishing certain groups of coal seams and of the features of their accompanying rocks. These substages, beginning with the topmost, have been called consecutively: Poruba (Poręba), Jakloviec, Hruszów and Pietrzkowice beds.



