Uwagi o zasięgu stratygraficznym niektórych gatunków megaspor karbońskich


  • Maria Brzozowska
  • Zofia Żołdani


REMARKS ON STRATIGRAPHICAL RANGE OF SOME TYPES OF CARBONIFEROUS MEGASPORESWithin the recent twenty years, megaspore investigations have found wide application in the determination of the stratigraphical positions of individual beds of the productive Carboniferous. In the Upper Silesian basin, key to solving stratigraphical problems by means of megaspores are the results of J. Zerndt's pre-war research.It appears from comparing some of the European and non-European coal basins, that the stratigraphical range of the individual species (types) of Carboniferous megaspores is there more or less identical; certain differences occur solely in the vertical spread of some species of these spores in the different basins. It is the purpose of this paper to point out congruities and divergences observed with regard to some species of Carboniferous megaspores.



