Dorobek polskich geologów w latach 1936-1958 w zakresie stratygrafii karbonu Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Stanisław Doktorowicz-Hrebnicki


ATTAINMENT OF POLISH GEOLOGIST IN 1936-1958 IN THE DOMAIN OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASINIn his paper the author presents a brief· digest of the most important palaeontological and stratigraphical investigations carried out since the second Carboniferous Congress at Heerlen.Pa l a e o n t o l o g i c a l  i n v e s t i g a t i o n sBesides several papers by T. Bocheński on the fructification of Lepidophytes and Sigillariae, and on the vascular system of the Pteridophytes, there has been published, in 1957, by St. Z. Stopa a comprehensive monography of ferns (Pteridophylla) of the Upper Namurian and Lowest Westphalian.Important·attainments were gained in the sphere of palynological research. After the war we note a particularly conspicuous development of microspore investigations, partly in cooperation with Czech geologists; these studies have been initiated by the Palaeobotanical Department of the Geological Institute in Cracow; under the management of T. Bocheński



