W sprawie wieku piaskowca Babiej Góry


  • Franciszek Bieda
  • Marian Książkiewicz


ON THE AGE OF THE BABIA GÓRA SANDSTONEC. Pautl. (1868) who distinguished the Magura sandstone as the youngest stratigraphic member of the Flysch in the internal part of the Carpathians· regarded the sandstones of which the range of Babia Góra is built (1725 m.) as belonging to this unit. This view had been followed by other workers until recently when A. Matejka and Z. Roth (1952, 1954) and also A. Matejka and F. Chmelik (1955) expressed the view that the sandstones of the Babia Góra range belong to the Lower Eocene (1952) or wen to the Palaoocene (1954), and constitute the Lowest member of the sequence commencing with the Babia Góra sandstone followed by red shales, Beloveza beds and Zlin beds (= Magura sandstone of C. Paul and Polish geologists).



