O typach struktur wału metakarpackiego


  • Adam Tokarski


NOTES ON STRUCTURE TYPES IN THE META-CARPATHIAN ARCHThe polygenic structural zone of the Meta-Carpathian archthis in the W-E direction elevated area of the Southern part of Central Poland (Fig. 1, 6) of Tertiary age, resembling E. Argand's "plis de fond" - contains older forms too. These are: the W-E (with a slight northwestern declination) northern marginal zone of the Hercynian foldings (S. Bubnoff, 1930; H. Stille, 1929) and Old-Cimerdian elements with a similar trend (J. Znosko, 1935). Moreover, here also belong the following Laramian forms with a NW-SE trend which cut the arch with their southeastern parts: the fore Sudetic monocline, the Szczecin-Łódź-Miechów basin, the Mesozoic periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains (J. Czarnocki, 1938, W. Pożaryski, 1943, 1957; J. Samsonowicz, 1929) and the Lublin-Lwów syncline (H. Pożaryski, 1956).



