Badania geologiczne na antyklinorium pomorskim w roku 1957


  • Ryszard Dadlez


NOTES ON GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON POMORZE ANTICLINORIUM IN 1957During 1957, the Geological institute continued, by means of borings its regional geological investigation of the Pomorze anticlinorium. These studies comprised the area between Kołobrzeg, Gryfice and Świdwin (Fig. 6). - This paper discussed several problems which came to light even during the preliminary scrutiny of the material collected in these bore-holes.The analysis of the facies of the Middle Lias (i.e. of the marine facies of Lias γ and the superimposed central complex) indicates that during that period the afflux of clastic material proceeded from the southwest (Fig. 1 and 2). In the marine complex of the region of Płoty-Łobez (Fig. 6) there occur intercalations of coarse-graned sandstones with chlorite; these beds are lacking, however, already on line Mechowo-Przytoń. Similarly, in the continental complex we note a considerable admixture of coarse-grained material in the region of Resko and Gryfice, whereas near Świdwin and Trzebiatów there dominates a facies of fine-grained sandstones and of claystones. Thus, there might have existed at those times, somewhat towards southwest of the anticlinorium, an area with a tendency to positive movements.



