Utwory środkowego ludlowu nawiercone w Żebraku koło Siedlec


  • Henryk Tomczyk


MIDDLE LUDLOVIAN SEDIMENTS PENETRATED AT ŻEBRAK NEAR SIEDLCE (Eastern Poland)(Preliminary report)During 1957 and 1958, the Geological Institute drilled a deep bore-hole in Eastern Poland, at Żebrak near Siedlce (Fig. 1).Thus far, this boring has reached a series of Silurian sediments of 252 m. thickness, lying directly underneath Carboniferous deposits, at the depth from 1360.9 m. to 1613.6 m. (Fig. 2.). These Silurian sediments are very monotonous, consisting of calcareous claystones which, at times, pass into argillaceous shales. They are laid down almost horizontally, in a similar manner as in the bore holes of Chełm and Łeba, and do not reveal any marked tectonic disturbances; in some parties only a gentle dip of the bedding has been observed.




Short communication