Nowe dane o lamprofirach spod Iwanisk w Górach Świętokrzyskich


  • Katarzyna Pawłowska


NOVEL DATA ON LAMPROPHYRES FROM THE REGION OF IWANISKA IN THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSIn the southeastern part of the Hercynian massif of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, lamprophyres appear in the area between Daleszyce and Klimontów. They accompany diabases and, in relation to them, occupy a peripheral position. Natural lamprophyre outcrops, surrounded by Lower Cambrian rocks, have been recorded by J. Czarnocki and J. Samsonowicz during their cartographical field work in the period of 1920-1928. Subsequently, owing to geophysical investigation carried out during 1937-1939, the extent of occurrence of the lamprophyres has been considerably increased. In artificial outcrops (test-pits) the presence of lamprophyres has been established in many new locations, at a relatively shallow depth below the surface. – The present paper discusses the lamprophyres occurring in the region of Iwaniska.



