Petrotektonika zachodniej części masywu intruzywnego Kłodzko-Złoty Stok


  • Tadeusz Wieser


PETROTECTONICS OF THE WESTERN PART OF THE KŁODZKO-ZŁOTY STOK INTRUSIVE MASSIFThe data presented in this paper as result of petrotectonic observations have been collected in the western part of the syenite massif of Kłodzko-Złoty Stok. The purpose of these studies bas been the recognizance of the structural development and the mechanics of this intrusion. An essential addition to these investigations has been the executing of a geological recognition, at a scale 1:25 000, of this massif and its immediate vicinity, within the limits of map sheets Wojciechowice and Ołdrzychowice Kłodzkie.On the background of the general structure of the Sudeten Mountains the, intrusive massif of Kłodzko-Złoty Stok holds a specific place. This massif constitutes the southern termination of the series of ultrabasic, basic and medium-acid magma intrusions of Sobótka, Niemcza and Szkary. The presence of ultrabasic rocks is evidence of their genetic connection with a large deep-focused ruptural deformation separating the Western from the Eastern Sudeten. The general strike of the intrusion is, in its northeastern part, concordant with the mentioned tectonic line, i. e. with a meridional line - whereas in its western part it is equatorial. On the whole (in pIane), the intrusion is falcate. On the concave side, of the massif, greywacke rocks of the Culm, and other older sediments have under gone contact alteration; on the convex side there appear, in the line of contact, gneisses regionally strongly metamorphosed, amphibolites, and similar metamorphic rocks.



