Badania geochemiczne w północno-wschodniej części Gór Kaczawskich z uwzględnieniem historii i metodyki dotychczasowych prac geochemicznych


  • Jadwiga Maciejowska
  • Jadwiga Serafin


GEOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE NORTHEASTERN PART OF KACZAWSKIE GÓRY (SUDETES LETS), WITH DUE CONSIDERATION OF HISTORY AND MEHODS OF HITHERTO UNDERTAKEN GEOCHEMICAL STUDIESIn Lower Silesia, in the vicinity of Chełmiec, geochemical investigations were carried out in 1956. This field work went forth near the northeastern rim of Kaczawskie Góry where Old-Palaeozoic sediments occur.The surface of the area investigated by this survey comprised 8 sq. km. As to its morphology this area is a ridge of hills reaching the height of 450 m.; it is chiefly covered by a young forest with dense undergrowth, and dissected by a creek flowing through Chełmiec, and by its tributaries.Towards northwest from Chełmiec there lies "Główna Żyła" ("Principal Vein") which, during 1870 to 1875, has been mined for copper.The veins caIled "Wierna Przyjaźń" ("True Friendsihip") and "Dębowa Góra" ("Oak HiIl"), situated southwest of Męcinka, are closest examined and are made accessible by means of mine workings. Here siderite used to be mined, secondarily copper and lead ores too.



