Nowe minerały kruszcowe w okolicy Baligrodu


  • Bazyli Ostrowicki


NOVEL ORE-BEARING MINERALS IN THE REGION OF BALIGRÓD (MIDDLE CARPATHIANS)·By means of geological field investigations carried out during the after-war ,period, an increased cognizance of symptoms of mineralization has been gained on the area South of Sanok, in the region ofBaligród.Besides realgar and auripigment, there has been established - in the Bystre scale, in the sandstones of the Lgota beds of Bystre and Rabe, and in the Istebna beds at Rabe - the occurrence of novel minerals.On the basic of microscope investigations in reflected and passing light, and by the use of spectral analyses, it has been ascertained that these novel minerals are sphalerite and galena. These minerals form an interesting pattern of joint occurrence, resembling a demixed or myrmekite texture (Photos 2 and 3, Plate I). Galena surrounded by sphalerite, frequently occurs in crystals of regular shape (Photo 1, Plate I).Besides the above described minerals, the author bas also determined the presence of malachite which, probably, is a secondary product of tennantite and enargite, which latter minerals appear in zink blende in the shape of inclusions. However, the identification of both tennantite and enargite is problematical.



