Przeglądowa mapa geologiczno-inżynierska Polski, jej treść i możliwości praktycznego zastosowania


  • Ludwik Watycha


GENERAL GEOLOGICAL - TECHNICAL MAP OF POLAND, ITS TOPIC AND FEASIBILITY OF PRACTICAL UTILIZATIONThe General Geological - Technical Map of Poland, scale1 : 300 000, consists of 2 parts of the map proper with its legend, and of the illustrative text. For utilizing the map to full extent it is imperative to simultaneously peruse both parts. Used separately each part gives orientative data only.The geological-technical map has been prepared, based on a geological-technical analysis applied to a geological map of scale 1 : 100 000; this analysis was made by desk work. Additionally, ail analysis of topographic maps, scale 1 : 100 000, supplemented the preceding analysis. As result of these studies there were distinguished, on Polish territory, 29 geological-technical regions which comprise rock formations of similar lithological features, tectonic arrangement and origin of sediments of which they are built. Features which differ in detail only may be divergent for each point of the distinguished region.



