Przeobrażenia diabazu i skał otaczających w Widełkach (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Wacław Ryka


TRANSFORMATIONS OF DIABASES AND SURROUNDING ROCKS AT WIDEŁKI (ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS)In this paper the author describes the locations of diabase outcrops (Fig. 1) at Widełki and its vicinity (Święty Krzyż Mountains). Here appear sedimentary rocks, of Upper Ludlovian age, represented by shaly beds in their lower parts, and by flysch beds in the upper part. At the boundary where the facies changes, a diabase rock appears. The bore-hole put down at Widełki encountered two diabase inter-calations (thickness 4.50 m. and 21.70 m. respectively), separated by a shale layer, (of 2.80 m. thickness), as a resrud.t of tectonic disturbances (Fig. 2).The sedimentary rocks which surround the diabase intrusion are greywacke and shales. The greywacke consists of quartz (Table 2), feldspars, fragments of magmatic and sedimentary rocks, a cementing mass and, in minor quantities, glauconite, collophane, muscovite, biotite, calcite, pyrite and iron oxides. The siltstones and claystones are chiefly formed by quartz and muscovite and, secondarily, by  feldspars, biotite, collophane and chlorite. The cementing material of these sediments is montmorillonite-illite.



