Projekt mapy tektonicznej Polski jako części mapy tektonicznej Europy


  • Stanisław Sokołowski
  • Jerzy Znosko


PROGRAM OF A TECTONIC MAP OF POLAND, AS PART OF AN EUROPEAN TECTONIC MAPIn 19515, the International Geological Congress held at Mexico reinstated the Committee for Preparing a Geological World Map. In this Committee there was established a Sub-Committee for preparing a World's Tectonic Map, with Prof. N. S. Szatski (Moscow) as chairman. It was decided to arrange too first meeting of this Sub-Committee at Paris, during the first half of 1958.Of the Sub-Committee tasks, the preparation of a tectonic map of Europe, scale 1 : 2 500 000, was to be executed first. The Sub-Committee's officers prepared a memorandum containing the draft of suggestions for designing this map, and of symbols to be used for, this map; this memorandum was sent to all the interested countries requesting them to analyze the proffered suggestions and to put forth their critical remarks at the first meeting of the Sub-Committee at Paris.



