Analizy żwirów Dunajca między Tatrami a Pieninami na tle morfologii i geologii obszaru zlewni


  • Władysław Bobrowski
  • Genowefa Kociszewska-Musiał


ANALYSIS OF DUNAJEC GRAVELS, BETWEEN TATRA MOUNTAINS AND PIENINY WATER GAPAfter passing in review the hitherto undertaken research, the authors present a morphological and geological description of the area of .the Dunajec basin. In their morphological description they pay special attention to the regions of water gaps, Le. breaks of rivers and creeks across compact rock series, and to the formation there of narrow and steep-gradient valleys. The altitude differences· between mountain crests and river bottoms lead to steep gradients. In their paper (Table 1) the authors present the longitudinal sections of Czarny and Biały Dunajec, and of some of their tributaries defining, at the same time, the rock material eroded by the individual water courses. This material consists of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary Tatra rocks and, predominantly, of sandstone and shale fragments of the Podhale and the Gorce Flysch.



