O występowaniu tufoidów w warstwach podmagurskich okolic Żywca


  • Tadeusz Wieser
  • Kazimierz Żytko


NOTES ON APPEARENCE OF TUFFOIDS IN SUB-MAGURA BEDS OF ŻYWIEC REGION (WESTERN CARPATHIANSThe stratigraphical section of the marginal part of the Magura unit in the region of Milówka comprises biotite-feldspar beds (Upper Cretaceous - Palaeocene), representing a local variety of the Inoceramus beds; variegated shals (Lower -·Middle Eocene), and Sub-Magura beds (MiddIe - Upper Eocene).The Sub-Magura beds are represented by a complex of grey and brown marly shales; With rare intercalations of glauconite sandstones. In the part of the Magura unit farer southeastwards; Sub-Magura beds are absentThe tuffoids appear in the lower part of the Sub-Magura beds; 130-140 m. from their bottom. Amidst the blown marly shales they form two thin interlayers, of 3 to 3.15 cm. thickness each.



