Dotychczasowe wyniki badań stratygraficznych doggeru w obszarze Kamienia Pomorskiego (na podstawie makrofauny)


  • Krystyna Dayczak-Calikowska


HITHERTO OBTAINED RESULTS OF STRATIGRAPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE DOGGER IN THE REGION OF KAMIEŃ POMORSKI (POMERANIA) ON THE BASIS OF ITS MACROFAUNAThe subject of this paper is the presentation of results of the determination of the stratigraphy of the Dogger and the Lowest Malm within the range of the Kamień Pomorski anticline, constituting the northwestern branch of the Kujawy-Pomorze arch.The faunal material has been collected from 21 bore-holes, situated on two section lines cutting transversely the discussed area.On the basis of the collected material the author points out that on the area of the Kamień Pomorski anticline there appears, faunally documented, the full Vesoulian, developed in an argillaceous-siltstone facies - followed by the Lower Batonian; higher up there lies a sandstone complex containing no index fauna and, in view of its stratigraphical position, considered to be the upper members of the Bathonian and the Lower Callovian; and, subsequently, a series of chloritic and shaly mudstones of the Upper Callovian, with a Kosmoceras fauna. On top of the latter series appears again a series of sandstones, lacking an index fauna and stratigraphically not Identified, but which might already belong to the Lower Divesian; superimposed on this series lies a siltstone complex, in its lower part distinctly representing the Divesian, while its upper part belongs probably to the Nevisian. Hitherto the top of the Nevisian has not been ascertained.



