Struktura Szamotuł - Obornik w świetle nowych prac wiertniczo-geologicznych


  • Józef Stemulak


THE SZAMOTUŁY-OBORNIKI STRUCTURE (WESTERN POLAND) IN VIEW OF RECENT DRILLING AND GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONWithin the scope of exploratory. work carried out by the on Industry in the Łódź-Szczecin basin, geophysical investigations disclosed the Szamotuły-Oborniki structure.In its seismic expression, this structure appears as an anticline of NNW-SSE trend and about 50 km. length. The collected seismic and gravimetric material suggests that the Szamotuły-Oborniki structure might represent a bolt separating the Szczecin basin from the·Łódź basin, thus joining two regional units, i.e. the Pomorze arch with the Fore-Sudetic monocline. Simultaneously with seismic investigations, there were started geological drilling operations by means of which the interpretation of the acquired seismic material became possible.



