Przyczynek do stratygrafii i sedymentologii martwicy karniowickiej


  • Anna Skórska


CONTRIBUTION TO STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THE KARNIOWICE TRAVERTINE (CRACOW REGION)Karniowice travertine (martwica karniowicka) is the name given to the fresh-water limestone appearing upon a limited area north of the Krzeszowice graben, especially the region near Karniowice. The age of this limestone has been determined by S. Siedlecki (1951; 1952; 1954) who assigned it, together with its underlying Karniowice sandstones, to the Upper Stephanian. Underneath lies the Middle Stephanian Kwaczała arkose. The Myślachowice conglomerates and volcanic rocks, both of which are younger than the travertine, already belong to the Lower Permian. In his later papers (1956; 1958), the above mentioned author introduced a change in his stratigraphy by assigning part of the sandstones heretofore considered to be Upper Stephanian, to the Westphalian, and by combining the remainder of the Karniowice sandstones, together with the Kwaczała arkose, into one stratigraphical member, the Middle Stephanian.



