Kalcyt z Doliny Białego


  • Antoni Łaszkiewicz


CALCITE FROM DOLINA BIAŁEGO VALLEYIn the vicinity of Zakopane, at the piedmont of the northern slopes of the Tatra Mountains, there appear arenaceous limestones and nummulite limestones of Eocene age, containing sometimes in fissures and cavities calcite crystals of two different types: rhombohedrons with predominance of· (0112) and scalenohedrons with predominance of K (2131).The calcite crystals from the mouth of Dolina Białego valley, discussed in this paper, attain a diameter of 3 cm. and are exclusively of scalenohedral habit. Due to the action of atmospheric waters which infiltrated into the rock fissures and voids, the crystals underwent partial dissolution most distinct at their tops, and least in the zone of the prism. Generally speaking, the dissolution of crystal is shown by its shortening in a vertical direction, a symptom which is particularly noticeable when comparing Photos 2 and 6 with Photos 3, 7 and 8. At times, a scalenohedron t (2134) (Photo 7) appears as form of dissolution. On Photo 13 one of the faces of this scalenohedron has been shown.



