Niektóre ziarna pyłku rodziny Taxodiaceae w trzeciorzędowym węglu brunatnym Polski


  • Julia Doktorowicz-Hrebnicka


SOME POLLEN GRAINS OF TAXODIACEAE FAMILY IN TERTIARY BROWN COAL OF POLANDPART I. MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON CONTEMPORANEOUS COMPARATIVE MATERIALThe purpose of this paper is to determine, among Tertiary fossil pollen grains with papillae, accurately identified forms which would correspond to species and genera of Taxodiaceae. The author aimed at valuating these forms as to their value· as index forms, in order to utilize them in stratigraphical investigations.On the basis of investigations on the structure of contemporaneous pollen-grains of: Sequoia, Cryptomeria, Taxodium, Metasequoia, the author made certain that there exists a certain group of morphological features particular to each species and genus.This group of features comprises: shape of papilla and manner of its position on the surface of the pollen grain, shape of the pollen grain, sculpture of its surface and, at times, thickness of the exine.



