O wieku transgresywnych osadów miocenu w Mazańcowicach (koło Bielska)


  • Stefan Alexandrowicz


AGE OF TRANSGRESIVE MIOCENE DEPOSITS AT MAZAŃCOWICE NEAR BIELSKO (WESTERN CARPATHIANS)In the region of Mazańcowice (about 5 km. north of Bielsko), marine deposits of the Miocene lie unconformably and transgressively on top of Carpathian Flysch sediments, and are folded together with them. In the substratum consisting of Miocene clays there appear red and green argillaceous shales containing a characteristic foraminifer fauna which indicates the Upper Cretaceous - Palaeocene - Eocene. Amidst these shales there extends a thin intercalation of glauconitic sandstones. The younger Eocene members are represented by light-gray platy marls and by brown argillaceous shales with hornstones intercalations (menilitic beds). These strata represent the so-called Subsilesian series, distinguished and described in detail by M. Książkiewicz (1951).



