Nowe dane o rozwoju warstw krośnieńskich w synklinie Bobowej oraz na południe od Tarnawy-Wielopola


  • Andrzej Ślączka


NEW DATA ON DEVELOPMENT OF KROSNO BEDS IN BOBOWA SYNCLINE AND SOUTH OF TARNAWA-WIELOPOLE (CARPATHIANS)The author discusses the development of the Krosno beds as observed in the western extension of the Bobowa syncline (Middle Carpathians), in part of the Jasło synclinorium south of Sanok; and in the Dukla folds.In the Bobowa syncline, the Krosno beds may be divided into two cycles, each one beginning with a series of thick-bedded sandstones which upwards pass into corrugated, thin-and mediumbedded sandstones, intercalated with grey shales. The highest part of each cycle consist of shales complex. In the middle part of the second cycle there appear Jasło shales (Fig. 1).The Krosno beds from the Jasło synclinorium are characterized by a great variability of facies, both in a meridional direction and along its individual structures (Fig. 2).Here the author distinguished the following complexes of Krosno beds. The lowest, comprising elements mixed of both Menilite and Krosno beds. In its northern folds, this group contains thickbedded sandstones; southwards these sandstones disappear. On top of them we note a series of tbickbedded sandstones; In folds situated more to the south, this series gradually loses its compactness until it disappears completely (Turzańsk fold and Dukla folds). In the folds of Bóbrka-Rogi and of Tokarnia, this series wedges out in a northwestern direction too.



