Stratygrafia fałdów dukielskich okolic Komańczy - Wisłoka Wielkiego


  • Andrzej Ślączka


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DUKLA FOLDS IN THE KOMAŃCZA-WISŁOK WIELIKI REGION (CARPATHIANS)The discussed area is built of three folds: the marginal fold of Cergowa Chryszczata, the Komańcza fold, and the Pasieka fold. All these folds, of a north-northwest to south-southeast trend, disclose reduced northeastern flanks. The stratigraphy of this area is as follws:I n o c e r a m i a n b e d s (Upper Cretaceous, Palaeocene). They consist of, usually, limy sandstones, medium- and thickbedded, as a rule of medium grain. Their colour is grey or bluish. Usually their shale intercalations are argillaceous grey or black.L o w e r H i e r o g l y p h i c b e d s (Lower Eocene). They form a series, several hundred meters thick, of light-coloured sandstones, medium- or thinbedded, limeless, interbedded with green argillaceous shales. In the top beds of this series there appear intercalations of grey Fucoid marls.P r z y b y s z ó w s a n d s t o n e s. They are a series of thickbedded conglomeratic sandstones, with graded bedding; these rocks appear exclusively in the marginal fold. U p p e r H i e r o g l y p h i c b e d s (Middle Eocene). These are developed in a similar manner as the Lower beds; however, but in their lower . part there appear red shales too, besides the green ones. G l o b i g e r i n a m a r l s: they appear as series of several meters thickness, built of marly shales.M s z a n k a s a n d s t o n e s. They ate thickbedded, coarsegrained sandstones, developed in the shape of lenses. M e n i l i t i c b e d s. In their lower part they represent a series of brown siliceous marls, with lense-like intergrowths of brown hornstones. On top of them appears a series, of several hundred meters thickness, of thick-bedded, finegrained limy sandstones; these are the so-called C e r g o w a s a n d s t o n e s. Southwards they gradually disappear. The Menilitic shales covering these sandstones might be divided into two parts; these are separated by a horizon with a bank of sandstones with Bryozoans, appearing as a continuous horizon upon the entire discussed area.K r o s n o b e d s. Between these and· the Menilitic beds there developed a thick series showing features of both of. them, whereas the Krosno beds themselves are built here in the form of grey shelly sandstones, thin-and mediumbedded, limy, intercalated with grey, limy shales. About 700 m. above the Menilite beds there .appears a horizon of Jasło shales.



