Łupki jasielskie w Karpatach Wschodnich Rumunii


  • Stanisław Wdowiarz


JASŁO SHALES IN THE BOUMANIAN EASTERN CARPATHIANSBy mapping of the Krosno beds, increasing attention is being paid in recent years to distinguishing the Jasło shales. Until recently they were mentioned only from the Silesian unit where they lie at a distance of several hundred, up to about one thousand, meters from the top of the menilitic shales. This variability of position within the section of the Krosno beds seems to indicate a severally repeated occurrence of the J8slo·shales. The great oscillations of thickness of other Flysch horizons suggests the possibility of analogous differences of thickness in the Krosno beds extending between the top of the menilitic shales and the Jasło shales. In this direction went the scrutinies of W. O. Szakin (1958) who observed similar differences in the menilitic shales, the transition beds and the Krosno beds of the Ukrainian sector of the Carpathians, and the studies of S. Jucha and J. Kotlarczyk (1956) in Poland. All these authors assume that the Jasło shales constitute, irrespective of their position, one and the same stratigraphic horizon. This assumption would render these shales an important correlative horizon in the powerful and otherwise monotonous series of the Krosno beds.



