O facji inoceramowej warstw istebniańskich Pogórza Wiśnicko-Rożnowskiego


  • Kamila Skoczylas-Ciszewska
  • Marian Kamieński


ON THE INOCERAMIAN FACIES OF THE ISTEBNA BEDS OF THE WIŚNICZ-ROŻNÓW REGION (FLYSCH CARPATHIANS)Amidst the Lower Istebna beds (Turonian - Senonian) in the region of Wiśnicz and Rożnów in the Flysch Carpathians there are sporadically encountered: intercalations of sediments whose facial development is radically different from, other Lower Istebna beds. As characteristic features distinguishing these two-facial groups there should be pointed out in the typical Istebna beds: the marked preponderance of coarse-grained sandstone complexes, the whitish colour of these sandstones which contain little cement without carbonates. The shales occurring quite secondarily are argilaceous, of dark, often even black colour caused by a profusely scattered coal substance.The above mentioned sediments, facially differing from typical Istebna beds, are distinguished by the occurrence of thin or moderately thick beds of sandstone. and of shale intercalations. The sandstone have an ample calcite cement and are compact; the argillaceous shales are marly to a varying extent. The general appearance of these beds very much resembles the Cretaceous Inoceramian sediments known from the Marginal and the Magura units.This Inoceramian facies of the Istebna beds is found at many localities, as may be seen on the diagrammatic geologic map (Fig. 1). On this map there also has been taken into consideration Jaworsko, a locality at which the development of the sediments is somewhat different. Here the sandstones are thickbedded, with an abundant calcite cement, but without shale intercalations.



