Minerały ciężkie w utworach karbońskich z Bolesławia koło Olkusza


  • Maria Krysowska


ASSEMBLAGES OF HAVY MINERALS IN CARBONIFEROUS SEDIMENTS PERFORATED AT BOLESŁAW NEAR OLKUSZ (Upper Silesian Coal Basin)The present paper comprises the results at investigations of heavy minerals appearing in ·the ·Carboniferous·sediments passed through at Bolesław near Olkusz. For purposes of comparison, the author has· analyzed too the heavy minerals disclosed in sediments of the highest members of the carboniferous limestone and the lowermost members of the Coal Measure, exposed at Czarna, Orlej, Miękinia, Kozłowa Góra and Gołonóg (Silesian - Cracovian area).The section of bore-hole in Bolesław comprises (deposits beginning, at the bottom, with the lithological correspondents of the carboniferous limestone from Czerna, and reaching as far as the correspondents of the Miękinia shales at the top. In the sediments of this bore-hole S. Alexandrowicz (1959) distinguished, on the basis of their lithology, several different rock series which, as to their content of heavy minerals, proved to show rather fundamental differences.The bottom series of the Bolesław section contains a markedly zircon-type assemblage of heavy minerals, very much resembling the assemblage disclosed in the Czerna limestones which, at present, are considered to be Upper Visean (S. Siedlecki, 1954).In the middle series the assemblages are fairly scanty; with regard to their composition they reveal features of transition to assemblages from Upper Carboniferous sediments.



