Pozycja stratygraficzna utworów nawierconych w wierceniu strukturalnym "Gołonóg"


  • Karol Bojkowski


STRATIGRAPHICAL POSITION OF SEDIMENTS PASSED TROUGO INSTRUCTURAL BORE-HOLE GOŁONÓG" (Upper Silesian Coal Basin)In May 1958 there was completed the structural bore-bole "Gołonóg". This bore-hole has been located on the outcrop of the Gołonów sandstone (Fig. 1). lts purpose was to accurately investigate the lowest part of the Upper Carboniferous in the Dąbrowa region of the Upper Silesian Basin, and to determine the stratigraphical position of the Malinowice beds and the Gołonóg sandstone.The core of this bore-hole disclosed that the Malinowice beds are lithologically very monotonous. They consist chiefly of grey, dark-grey and blackish-grey claystones and, secondarily of dark-grey siltstones, laminated horizontally and mavy. Besides, there appear here 9 thin intercalations of light-grey, fine-grained arkose sandstones, of a total thickness of 14.3 m. The entire struck by boring series of the Malinowice beds is laid down almost horizontally (dip 2-5°).In the claystones animal fossils appear, in 33 intercalations, of a thickness from 0.2 to 4.0 m, each. A faunal horizon consists of one or several intercalations.



