Kierunkowość form krasowych w dewonie w okolicy Kowali (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Jan Czermiński


DIRECTEDNESS OF KARTS FORMS IN THE DEVONIAN OF THE REGION OF KOWALA (ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS)During geological field work in the region of Kowala in the Święty Krzyż Mountains, the author prepared, in detail, sections of the outcrop of dolomites and limestones of the Middle and Upper Devonian. The detailed section of cross-cut "Kowala 2" (Fig. 1) indicates that karst forms are powerfully developed in the chemically pure Givetian limestones. Isolated marl intercalations occurring amidst the Frasnian limestones obstruct the development of karst forms.Karst sinks proved to have been formed most intensely in connection with vertical tectonic fissures extending in a direction conforming with the dip of the beds.



