Warunki geologiczne występowania torfu interstadialnego w okolicy Zaklikowa


  • Maria Bielecka


GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF OCCURRENCE OF INTERSTADIAL PEAT IN THE REGION OF ZAKLlKÓW (SANDOMIERZ LOWLAND)Within the fluvial deposits of the Zaklików region (Sandomierz Lowland), a peat seam has been encountered which, as indicated by the results of pollen analyses, represents the most recent interstadial, the Alleröd. By shallow test holes drilled in the San valley it became possible to define the totality of conditions in which the interstadial floral material occurs, and to reconstruct a synthetic section through the Quaternary of the northern part of the Sandomierz Lowland. The author distinguishes here the following Pleistocene deposits: 1) boulder clay - Cracovian glaciation, 2) sand-gravel series - Middle Polish glaciation, 3) fine- and medium-grained sands with intercalations of silts and clays, and with a layer or interstadial peat - Baltic glaciation, 4) older sands of aeolian accumulation - Baltic glaciation.The two first-named types of deposits, together with the sands of aeolian accumulation, form the Upper Pleistocene terrace, raised 25 to 40 m. above the river's water level. The accurnulative cover of the Lower Pleistocene terrace, elevated 8 to 20 m. above the San waters, consists of fine- and mediumgrained sands with silt and clay intercalations and with the layer of interstadial peat. Within the range of the floor of the San valley, the author distinguishes deposits of the Older Holocene, forming a silt terrace; these deposits consist of fluvial sands, silts, peats, and sands of the youngest aeolian accumulation. Silts and fluvial sands of Younger Holocene age form the youngest morphological element, i. e. the flood terrace.



