O kilku morskich małżach z serii gielniowskiej liasu Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Janusz Kopik


ON SEVERAL MARINE PELECYPODS FROM THE GIELNIÓW SERIES·OF THE LIAS IN THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MQUNTAINSA bore-hole sunk at Szydłowiec in the quarry of the Szydłowiec sandstones (the lower part of the Drzewica series of the Lias) passed through, at the depth of 22.7 to 22.9 m., a thin bed of ferruginous siltstone belonging to the Gielniów series; this siltstone contains a fairly numerous pelecypod fauna. The faunal zones heretofore known in this series (Gielniów - Szydłowiec?) had been limited to the finding of one specimen of the crustacean Limulus sp. ? liasokeuperinus. On the northern and north western areas of the margin of the Święty Krzyż Mountains we also observe, although but sporadically, a Liassic marine fauna. From the Zarzecze series are derived: pelecypods assigned to genera Cytherea L a m., Macoma L e a ch, and fish remnants - Pholidophorus angustus A g a s s i z; from its superimposed Ostrowiec series: pelecypods of genus Callista Poli.



