Lias między Gowarczowem a Mroczkowem


  • Ryszard Wyrwicki


THE LIAS BETWEEN GOWARCZÓW AND MROCZKÓW (NORTHWESTERN PERIPHERY OF THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS)Geological field work carried out in 1950-57 supplied new material towards our cognizance of the Lias in the area between Gowarczów, Rozwady and Mroczków Gościnny (northwestern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains).The Quaternary (thickness 0.5 to 20 m.) is represented by two horizons of boulder clays, by sands and gravels, as well as by aeolian sands and alluvia.In view of the absence of fossils, the stratigraphy of the Lias deposits had to be based on its lithology. Due to the shallowness of the bore holes, the oldest series, of Zagaje, has not been confirmed.The Gromadzice series, of 100 m. thickness, is built of finegrained sandstones and siltstones. In its top part there appears a complex of siltstones with the 4th orebearing horizon “Staropole” (Fig. 1).



