Dolny karbon w okolicy Łagowa


  • Halina Żakowa


THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS IN THE ŁAGÓW REGION (ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS)The Lower Carboniferous of the region of Łagów lies in the central part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. The exposures west of Łagów represent the youngest deposits of the Łagów syncline, whereas the Lower Carboniferous situated east of Łagów belongs to the Sobiekurów - Piotrrów basin (Fig. 1). The furmer exposures have been investigated by J. Czarnocki (1922, 1924, 1928, 1929) who reported for them diagrammatically their lithological and stratigraphical section without, however, defining their index fauna. The Lower Carboniferous which occurs east of Łagów has so far been one of the least investigated areas of the Święty Krzyż Mountains; in geological literature this area has been mentioned, but without details (J. Samsonowicz, 1900, 1934).In 1957, 11006, and partly 1959 too, I have been doing field work in this region (shallow diggings, deeper test holes, exploratory trenches), finding fossils, among them index goniatites; I also determined the extent of these sediments.



