Szczątki nosorożca włochatego Coelodonta antiquitatis (B I u m.) w osadach pleistoceńskich Bychawy koło Lublina


  • Wacław Wasilewski


RELICTS OF A WOOLLY RHINOCEROS COELODONTA ANTIQUITATIS (BLUM.) IN THE PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS OF BYCHAWA NEAR LUBLINAt Bychawa (central part of the Lublin Plateau) there has been discovered; while digging a well, an incomplete tooth (m2) of the rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blum.) (Plate I, Figs.·3 and 4). It was found under a layer of Pleistocene deposits of 15 m thickness, preserved on the valley floor of Kosarzewka creek. The author has investigated the arrangement of the Pleistocene deposit s near the locality where this fauna had been found, making use of the vertical section of five wells and of one outcrop (Figs. 1 and 2) .The author has established the fact the discovered tooth was embedded in a lower horizon of sands and gravels built chiefly of local material, i. e. of fragments of calcareous rocks and of a great number of fragments of Tertiary sandstones. In this same layer, sporadically pebbles of Scandinavian rocks occur. The thickness of this layer is about 2 m. It is laid down directly on cretaceous. Upwards there are the following strata: steel-grey non-stratified silts of 1 to 3 m. thickness; grey: yellowish-greenish silts, 7 to 9 m. thick; an upper sand layer with pebbles of Scadinavian rocks, 0.3 m. thick; loess of a thickness up to 4 m., and recent soil.The author looks upon the sands and gravels containing fauna as a deposit younger than the moraine of the Cracow Glaciation (Mindel). In the author's opinion, this deposit was produced during the washing down of a moraine formed at an earlier date on the Lublin Plateau, whereas he tends to consider. the superimposed silts and the upper layer of sands with Scandinavian pebbles as a solifluxion layer of the Middle Polish (Riss), or the Baltic (Würm) Glaciation.



