Struktury mikroorganogeniczne siarki rodzimej w tortonie


  • Jan Czermiński


MICROORGANOGENIC STRUCTURES OF NATIVE SULPBUR IN THE TORTONIANThe author is dealing with the petrography of the native sulphur deposits ocourring in the Tortonian of the northern part of the Carpathian fore deep. The characteristic structures of this sulphur (Figs. 1-2 and 5-10 on Plate I-V) are extremely similar to sulphur precipitated in the threads of some of the sulphur bacteria (Fig. 4) and of a decaying colony of sulphur bacteria. The size of the sulphur crystals and cIumps found in individual clusters is 10-45, most frequently 17-35 microns. These facts seem to support the hypothesis of the bacteria participating in the process of forming of native sulphur. The above mentioned dimensions of sulphur crystals and clumps are also encountered in pelitic sulphur and, to a considerable extent, in "wax" sulphur (Figs. 10-14 on Plates V-VII).The author envisages the forming of the sulphur alternatively by:1) reduction of sulphate solutions by hydrocarbons, with the cooperation of sulphur bacteria,2) transformation of sulphur solutions exclusively by microbiological agencies.This process would appear as follows: Calcium, Sulphate →reduction/hydrocarbon or oxygen-free bacteria → hydrogen sulphide/calcium carbonate → oxidation/sulphur bacteria →/water native sulphur



