Tufity z warstw krośnieńskich z Berehów Górnych w Bieszczadach


  • Leszek Koszarski
  • Tadeusz Wieser
  • Kazimierz Żytko


THE TUFFITES FROM THE KROSNO BEDS AT BEREHY GÓRNE IN THE BIESZCZADY MOUNTAINS (MIDDLE CARPATHIANS)These tuffites have been discovered at one locality only, on the area of Berehy Górne in the Bieszczady Mountains (Figs. 1, 2). This region belongs to the Fore-Dukla zone, situated between the Dukla unit and the Central Carpathian Depression.In the Fore-Dukla Zone there lie the strongly folded Krosno beds among which locally older sediments appear. These Krosno beds are developed as a thick complex of shales and of thin layers of corrugated sandstones, with a thick intercalation of thickbedded sandstones. The transition beds are developed in a facies of shales and thin sandstones of Krosno type, with numerous intercalations of Menilite shales. The tuffites from Berehy Górne occur in the lowermost part of the Krosno beds, between the intercalation of thickbedded sandstones and the transition beds. The authors conclude that the entire complex of the Krosno beds of the Fore-Dukla zone at Berehy Górne represents merely the lower part of the Krosno beds, older than the Jasło shales. The authors consider the age of these tuffites, on the basis of their position in the vertical section of the Menilite-Krosno series, to be from the end of the Upper Eocene, or from the Lower Oligocene.



